Tying malware back to its earlier versions gives us the ability to look at more rudimentary versions of the code. The versions where the malware writer was just trying to see if all their tricks worked before doing their best to hide them. We came across a small keylogger that was missed by over 90% of anti-virus engines (5/56 on virustotal). What caught our eye most was that this sample still had a lot of debugging output and hardcoded values in it, which led us to believe that it’s an early version of what might turn out to be a fully fledged keylogger.

The malware contained several interesting strings that hinted at its functionality as well as a unique build path string:
C:\Users\Hundter\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\NewRat\obj\x64\Debug\kstat.pdb
The name “Hundter” will continue to be a common thread throughout this write-up.
The main function that parses arguments has support for the following commands:
Command | Description |
TAKE_SCREENSHOT | Take a screenshot, calling graphics.CopyFromScreen and formatting as a jpg |
DESKTOP_STREAM_ENABLE | Sends a continuous series of low quality screenshots while sleeping 180 milliseconds |
DESKTOP_STREAM_DISABLE | Disable screen streaming |
DESKTOP_STREAM_STATUS | Returns if the stream is alive or not |
KEYLOGGER_ENABLE | Starts the keylogger |
KEYLOGGER_STATUS | Returns if the keylogger is alive and length of the keylogged file |
KEYLOGGER_DISABLE | Disables the keylogger |
KEYLOGGER_DUMP | Sends the raw bytes of the keylogged file over the socket |
MIGRATE_PROCESS_LIST | Returns a list of running processes |
MIGRATE_PROCESS | Migrates the existing process into the context of another process |
UPDATE_REMOTE_BACKDOOR | Writes a new file, starts it and kills the existing process |
EXIT_CLIENT | Shuts down the socket and closes communication |
The keyloggers persistence is set up through the common CurrentVersion\Run key

Setting the value of the key to “Microsoft kstat”.
The malware will set up a streamwriter to the file “log.hun” where it will store the keystrokes

It will append the date and then listen for keystrokes

The keyloggers main functionality is handled by a LowLevelKeyboardProc Hook and using typical API’s to set up this functionality.

Process Migration / Injection:
There is code in the malware to migrate processes; it would appear that this is largely copied and pasted from tutorials on C# injection and migration. The process injection currently does not work and has hardcoded references to files on the attackers desktop.

Remote communications:
The remote IP address is hardcoded into the backdoor for communications. Before socket communication is established the keylogger will ensure that autorun key is in place before connecting.

Once the value is set, the address is parsed.

Interestingly enough, the application will write to STDOUT once it’s connected and then fall into a continuous loop to receive commands.

Sending Stream of the Desktop
The first thing of note about the function to send a remote stream is its use of a different port than the standard communication. For streaming it uses 7778.

The main functionality of this method is contained almost entirely within this loop.

In short, the malware will take a low quality screenshot and send it over the socket at each iteration, then the screenshot will pause for 180 milliseconds. If there are 50 (more) socket exceptions that are caught, the streaming will be set to false and stopped. The DESKTOP_STREAM_DISABLE argument will also set the keepStreaming variable to false and stop the stream.
Passive information on the IP shows several resolutions going back to mid-2015 and has the following domains.

Based upon the build strings of the binary
C:\Users\Hundter\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\NewRat\obj\x64\Debug\kstat.pdb
And the hardcoded file in the migrate section of the keylogger

It would be presumable to believe that hundter[.]com belongs to the malware author. Which according to whois information is located in DK.

On the main page of hundter[.]com there is an advertisement for plex movies, downloads, “Admin Controls”, and a game server.

At the copyright page in the source it also points to the names Lukas Hundt and Anton Due. Which would be consistent to the email address.

This keylogger has not been observed in the wild, and because of its debugging output, hardcoded paths, and lack of configuration files this leads us to believe that this is simply just a testing program to eventually build a fully fledged keylogger.
While the keylogger itself is very basic, it does have some support for more advanced functions like migrating processes. Which can be effective when hiding and staying persistent on a box. While this is just a tool in its infant stages, it’s worthwhile to study and check your defenses against these newly emerging utilities.
More builds of this binary (showing evolving various features over time) are below.